Pastor Royal Blue
August 4, 1926 – August 22, 2021
Pastor Royal Blue was saved at eight years of age. He was raised with the influence of a very godly mother. He had one brother and three sisters. He dedicated his life to the Lord at fifteen years of age during a near death experience with a tractor. He served in the Navy during WWII and was present at the invasion of Okinawa. Dr. J. Vernon McGee became his “Paul” in the ministry while he was a student at Biola College. Twenty years later, Dr. J. Vernon McGee asked him to serve on his Board of Directors. Unknown to Pastor Blue at the time, Dr. McGee had requested that his assistant Pastor Dr. Mitchell and Pastor Blue perform his funeral. That was a very great honor for him.
After graduation he served in Van Nuys as a Minister of Youth (1000 of them) for 11 years at the 1st Baptist Church, where Dr. Barrington was the Senior Pastor. While attending a youth rally in Redding, he was asked to speak to a small gathering of people interested in starting a church. A second meeting of thirty people followed. It was then that he was asked to become their pastor. He and his family came to Redding in 1962. The North Valley Baptist Church is very much the legacy of Royal Blue. The church grew from 30 to 2500.
In 1964 God raised up the Good News Rescue Mission which has offered hands up out of emotional, physical and spiritual poverty to thousands. What started as a three bedroom shelter for men has grown into a 389-bed facility, offering various services to men, women and children in need. This is all free of charge.
In 1969 God permitted KVIP Christian Radio to become a reality. Over 50 years ago, Pastor Royal Blue was instrumental in helping to start the Pacific Cascade Communication Corporation, Christian Radio Network that now broadcasts to over 150 communities here in Northern California and Oregon. Since 1970, Pastor Royal Blue hosted his radio program “Morning Inspiration” every weekday morning on the flagship station KVIP in Redding.
Pastor Royal Blue, whom God used, founded the Northern California Bible Institute 50 years ago in response to the need to equip Christian leaders. The institution became known as Shasta Bible College in 1984 and then as Shasta Bible College & Graduate School in 2002.
God has also permitted Pastor Blue to have a part in the developed Vision Valley Youth Camp and Lassen Pines Christian Camp. He was blessed not only with a shepherd’s heart, but also with the ability to inspire and excite those around him to accomplish great things for God. As a man of faith, he knew what it was to trust God and to provide whatever it took to meet ministry needs. Experience had taught him “when money is no object, faith is no factor” and that Divine provision was God’s way of bringing glory to Himself.
The impact and influence of Pastor Royal D. Blue was enormous. He said at the age of 90, “I want to be active as long as God gives me strength.” And that’s exactly what he did.
Pastor Royal Blue leaves behind his wonderful wife Linda, three sons Dennis, Stephen, and Peter and two daughters Karen, Grace and their spouses. Pastor Blue also leaves behind lots of Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
Matthew 25:21 (KJV) — His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.